Featured Artist: Martha Schermerhorn "Ikon-a-Pacs"

Nightmare 2 You play a little rough 2 Close to my Heart 2 Submitted by Artist Row Artist Martha Schermerhorn

The “Ikon-a-Pac” assembly facility is ramping up to recycle trash into treasure again. Catalogs, wallpaper, flattened tissue boxes and junk mail are spread about. Plastic, magazines, glue sticks and scissors. And, oh yeah –my glasses! Where are my glasses? I am hard at work making my one-of-a-kind 100% recycled Doctor Recommended Cabinets of Curiosities. Funny, funky collages I sell at the Artist Row.

Call me an old timer, my involvement with the Artists Row dates back to year zero at the Public Market. It’s a part of my yearly schedule I really look forward to. Like watching the parade and the dog show at Thanksgiving. I pull out my signage and hunt down Peter (my genius spatially inspired husband) and put him to work on a new display idea.

I love doing this event. It’s nice to be on my home turf. I get to see familiar faces and friends. Rich comes by and chats and usually buys a few “Ikon-a-Pacs”. Thanks Rich! I get to see loads of my artist friends too. Rie, Nancy, Rachael and Ann. And so many others! Every year I get to add to my growing list of amazing and creative folks – buying and selling at the Artists Row.

If I get lucky Jina (Moya Lazy Factory) sets up her booth next to me. And we can talk. And we can eat. Once, Jina sent me out in search of meat and fat! Mostly it’s chocolate and salt but that day… Peter goes for the Empanadas. I love Duke’s Donuts. Jina heads to Flour City Bread Company.

Anyhow, time to get back to cutting arranging gluing and pricing. And remember - Only 3 months till Christmas! “Ikon-a-Pacs” don’t spoil or need refrigeration! So come on over and buy ‘em straight from the workshop!


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