Featured Artist: Rachel Cordaro
A little bit about me- I have made a career out of being a floral Artist and maker of the ever cozy seasonal favorite Neck Ruffle Scarf! I am a Rochester, NY native living my dream with Artist husband Cordell Cordaro.
Where do you find inspiration? My Inspiration comes from visually taking in nature and sometimes flipping through art books! I rarely look at an image when I’m painting. It is all a subconcious record of what i see in my minds eye. I feel the most connected with my artwork when I am truly painting whats inside instead of trying to mimic an image. My Inspiration for crocheting the Neck Ruffle Scarf came from loving cozy fashionable garment! I love to crochet as much as paint.
What is your process? My process for painting is always a bit different…Sometimes I pop out of bed at as early as 4:30 AM and paint paint paint well into the morning! Other times I leave room for inspiration and take a day to sit by the pool or go on a hike. Anybody that creates knows if you “leave room for inspiration and the mood to create will present itself”. No matter what my process is I am always well stocked with paintings and crochet apparels for all my shows and retailers! I absolutely am in love with being a maker and artist as my career and take it very serious!
What are challenges you run into? I have a passion for what I do and many times ideas for future endeavors come to me so lightning fast that the downside is being patient and understanding the organic process of unfolding opportunities!